Skupper commands


Site configuration

SiteOverview of site commands
Site create

Create a site

Site update

Change site settings

Site delete

Delete a site

Site status

Display the status of a site

Site generate

Generate a Site resource

Site linking

TokenOverview of token commands
Token issue

Issue a token file redeemable for a link to the current site

Token redeem

Redeem a token file in order to create a link to a remote site

LinkOverview of link commands
Link update

Change link settings

Link delete

Delete a link

Link status

Display the status of links in the current site

Link generate

Generate a Link resource for use in a remote site

Service exposure

ConnectorOverview of connector commands
Connector create

Create a connector

Connector update

Update a connector

Connector delete

Delete a connector

Connector status

Display the status of connectors in the current site

Connector generate

Generate a Connector resource

ListenerOverview of listener commands
Listener create

Create a listener

Listener update

Update a listener

Listener delete

Delete a listener

Listener status

Display the status of listeners in the current site

Listener generate

Generate a Listener resource

Site operation

SystemOverview of system commands
System setup

Install and configure the Skupper components for the current namespace

System teardown

Remove the Skupper components from the current namespace

System start

Start running the Skupper components for the current site

System stop

Shut down the Skupper components for the current site

System reload

Reload the site configuration

Debug operations

DebugOverview of debug commands
Debug dump

Generate a debug dump file

Other operations


Display versions of Skupper components