Link concept

A link is a channel for communication between sites. Links carry application connections and requests. A set of linked sites constitutes a network.

To create a link to a remote site, the remote site must enable link access. Link access provides an external access point for accepting links.

The link model
The link access model

A site has zero or more links. Each link has a host, port, and TLS credentials for making a mutual TLS connection to a remote site. In addition, a site has zero or more link accesses. Usually only one is needed per site. Each link access has a host, port, and TLS credentials for exposing a TLS endpoint that accepts connections from remote sites.

Application connections and requests flow across links in both directions. A linked site can communicate with any other site in the network, even if it is not linked directly. Links can be added and removed dynamically.

You can use access tokens to securely exchange the connection details required to create a link.

A link joining two sites to create a simple network
A site with two links, to two remote sites
A larger network with links to a central hub site