Controller configuration

The controller configuration controls two aspects at present: the access types supported and their configuration, and whether the grant server is enabled and how it is configured.

Access type configuration:

Option Description
-default-access-type The default access type.
-enabled-access-types The access types which should be enabled for sites to choose from. (default local,loadbalancer,route)
-cluster-host The hostname or IP address through which the cluster can be reached. Required for configuring nodeport as an access type.
-ingress-domain The domain to use in constructing the fully qualified hostname for Ingress resources, through which the ingress controller can be reached. Only used when selecting ingress-nginx as an access type.
-http-proxy-domain The domain to use in constructing the fully qualified hostname for contour HttpProxy resources, through which the contour controller can be reached. Only used when selecting contour-http-proxy as an access type.
-gateway-class The class of Gateway to use. This is required to enable gateway as an access type.
-gateway-domain The domain to use in constructing the fully qualified hostname for TLSRoutes resources. Only used when selecting gateway as an access type.
-gateway-port The port the Gateway should be configured to listen on. This is only used if gateway is enabled as an access type. (default 8443)

Grant server configuration:

Option Description
-enable-grants Enable use of AccessGrants.
-grant-server-autoconfigure Automatically configure the URL and TLS credentials for the AccessGrant Server.
-grant-server-base-url The base url through which the AccessGrant server can be reached.
-grant-server-port The port on which the AccessGrant server should listen. (default 9090)
-grant-server-tls-credentials The name of a secret in which TLS credentials for the AccessGrant server are found. (default skupper-grant-server)
-grant-server-podname The name of the pod in which the AccessGrant server is running (default $HOSTNAME)